Distance Learning
How to be a Great Virtual Classmate
How to be a Great Virtual Classmate
Google Meet is for school purposes and instruction. All school rules apply at all times. Here are some tips for how to be a great virtual classmate when using Google Meet or any other interactive platform.
- Wear school-appropriate clothing. This includes wearing a shirt and pants at all times. Clothing with graphics or images must also be school appropriate.
- Use school-appropriate language and gestures. You are on camera and your teacher and classmates can see you.
- Be kind. Be respectful of your classmates. Name calling, negative comments or any type of bullying will not be tolerated. This includes making mean comments about another student’s work, participation, or their house/room in the video.
- Tell your chat group if someone else is in the room with you, especially if they are out of the camera view. It’s not fair to everyone else to have someone listening if others don’t know about it. Make sure anyone else in the background knows all of these rules and has agreed to follow them.
- Be aware of what is in the background of your video. Keep the TV off and try to limit your pets or siblings from running through the background. (Unless they should be a part of the video.)
- Be aware of where your camera is pointed. No one wants to look up your nose or have a close-up view of your mouth.
- Be patient. One person may speak at a time. When you are not speaking, keep your microphone muted.
- Type questions into the chat box if it’s not your turn to talk. The teacher or leader of the meeting will answer them. Remember - everyone can see what you are typing, so it must be school appropriate. Also, when typing in chat, please try to use correct spelling grammar. These are not text messages.
- Think before you type.
- Participate!
- NO YELLING (typing in all caps)
- Try to help each other out. We’re all in this together.
- Reach out to your teacher if you need help! We are all learning together
Have fun! This will be a great time to connect with your teacher and classmates!